Board agendas, minutes, and packets are downloadable .pdf format files. Video recordings of meetings are on YouTube.com. If viewing the video stream live, headphones are suggested for better audio clarity.
All meetings are held on Wednesday evenings at 6:00 PM in the Falcon Conference Room at Frederick School unless otherwise noted.
07/17/24 | General Meeting | Agenda | Minutes | Packet | Video
08/14/24 | General Meeting | Agenda | Minutes | Packet | Video
09/04/24 | General Meeting | Agenda | Minutes | Packet | Video
09/18/24 | General Meeting | Agenda | Minutes | Packet | Video
10/16/24 | General Meeting | Agenda | Minutes | Packet | Video
11/06/24 | General Meeting | Agenda | Minutes | Packet | Video
11/20/24 | General Meeting | Truth and Taxation Agenda | General Agenda | Minutes | Packet | Video
12/11/24 | General Meeting | Agenda | Minutes | Packet | Video
01/15/25 | General Meeting | Agenda | Minutes | Packet | Video
01/23/25 | Special Meeting | Agenda | Minutes
01/29/25 | General Meeting | Agenda | Minutes | Packet | Video
02/12/25 | General Meeting | CANCELLED
02/26/25 | General Meeting | Agenda | Minutes | Packet | Video
03/19/25 | General Meeting | Agenda | Minutes | Packet | Video
04/09/25 | General Meeting | Agenda | Minutes | Packet | Video
04/23/25 | General Meeting | Agenda | Minutes | Packet | Video
05/14/25 | General Meeting | Agenda | Minutes | Packet | Video
06/04/25 | General Meeting | Agenda | Minutes | Packet | Video
06/18/25 | General Meeting | Agenda | Minutes | Packet | Video
Public Comment Opportunities
The Community Consolidated School District 46 Board of Education encourages public attendance at their meetings. They are interested in hearing opinions and comments from the community. Therefore, the Board has authorized two opportunities for public comment. The first opportunity for public comment will occur prior to Action Items on the board meeting agenda. The second opportunity will occur prior to adjournment.
Requirement to Speak
Individuals are asked to sign in to address the Board during the first opportunity for public comment. Each speaker must stand when addressing the Board and come to the microphone provided. Prior to addressing the Board, each individual must clearly state his/her name. In general, questions will not be answered, but directed to an appropriate administrative or Board representative who will provide the individual with answers in a timely manner. If you have specific questions, you may also reach our administration and members of the Board of Education at the phone numbers/emails listed on this website.
Four Minute Limit
In order to provide the opportunity for all who wish to address the Board of Education, speakers are asked to limit their comments to a maximum of four minutes. In certain situations, when it is expected that a large number of individuals wish to speak, the President has the authority to limit each speaker to a maximum of one minute. Time may not be yielded from one speaker to another. Speakers that concur with past speakers are encouraged to state this for the record without taking any additional time. Statements requiring more than four minutes should be submitted in writing to the Board.
Civility Required
Each speaker shall address their subject matter to the Board of Education in a reasonable tone and shall focus on issues and not personalities. The use of profanity and attacks on individuals is not allowed.
Authority of the President
The President has the right to change these procedures in certain instances, as he/she sees fit. The decision of the President on any of these rules is final.
Americans with Disabilities Act Notice
The Community Consolidated School District 46 is subject to the requirements of the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990, as well as Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973. Individuals with disabilities who plan to attend this meeting and who require certain accommodations in order to allow them to attend and/or participate, or who have questions regarding the accessibility of the meeting or the facilities, are requested to promptly contact the School District’s ADA/Section 504 Coordinator at (847) 543-5322.