Maintaining Excellence – Referendum 2024


On November 29, 2023, the Board of Education unanimously approved placing a funding measure on the March 19, 2024, ballot. This referendum, which requires taxpayer approval, will not increase the tax rate. If the measure is approved the District will be able to address capital facility needs; improve safety and security; attract, train, and retain quality teachers; maintain programming and class sizes.

The District is hosting community information sessions in January and February and updating this webpage frequently to keep the community informed.

Community Consolidated School District 46 and the Board of Education are committed to fulfilling our mission of empowering learners, creating equity, and cultivating community as we maintain excellence when it comes to our educational offerings. We remain focused on protecting our high-performing schools, benefiting both our students and taxpayers.

Legal Referendum Notice: English | Español

Community Consolidated School District 46 is placing a limiting rate proposal on the ballot on March 19, 2024.
This type of voter-approved funding proposal, unlike a bond referendum, would allow the District to address both capital facility and operating needs districtwide.

The tax rate is reduced, even with passage of the referendum.
The District will pay off existing long-term debt before the new limiting rate increase will be implemented.

  • Homeowners in CCSD 46 currently pay 86 cents per $100 of Equalizes Assessed Value for long-term debt that will be paid off in 2025. This tax will end in 2025.
  • The tax associated with the limiting rate referendum that will be on the March 2024 ballot is 76 cents per $100 of Equalized Assessed Value. If approved by voters, this tax would not go into effect until the existing 86-cent tax ends.
  • The difference is a reduction in the tax rate of 10 cents per $100 of Equalized Assessed Value.

The proceeds of the limiting rate increase will be evenly split between capital facility and operating needs.
Approximately $3 million will fund capital improvements and $3 million will address operating needs.

A special focus will be placed on addressing maintenance and infrastructure needs.
The initiative calls for the District to pursue long-term financing to speed up completion of facility and site upgrades. Approximately $29 million will go toward maintenance and infrastructure improvements along with additional security cameras and emergency response systems and $8 million will fund the renovation and reconfiguration of libraries/media centers and student support spaces.


Passage of the March 2024 referendum will allow CCSD 46 to address many of its highest priority facility, site, and operating needs, including:

  • Funding emergency response systems and security cameras
  • Replacing aging roofing
  • Updating mechanical, electrical, plumbing, and HVAC/interior air quality systems
  • Enhancing ADA accessibility (interior and exterior)
  • Upgrading exterior envelopes and improving paving/sidewalks
  • Updating libraries/media centers, including space for collaboration and STEM programming
  • Reconfiguring student support services spaces
  • Attracting, training, and retaining quality teachers
  • Protecting current programming
  • Maintaining class sizes

By waiting until existing long-term debt is paid off, CCSD 46 will be able to address high-priority facility, site, and operating needs, while also allowing for a net tax rate decrease. The financing proposal is focused on both the needs of our students and the taxpayers.

Lynn Glickman, Ed.D., Superintendent of Schools

We’ve done our homework.

The funding proposal is the result of years of planning.

Facility, site, and operating needs at each of the District’s seven schools were evaluated.
These key planning efforts that have been completed in the past two years include:

Community stakeholders, teachers, district staff, as well as seasoned architects, engineers, and financial professionals, played an important role in the development of the funding proposal.

Stephen H. Mack, Ed.D., President, Board of Education

The District’s Schools are Between 16 – 73 Years Old


CCSD 46 Boundary Map